"Merkel": Bavaria Media International presents its newest highlight at the international content market MIPCOM in Cannes

Do., 5. Sep 2019 Content Distribution

Cannes – In October this year, Bavaria Media International presents its newest highlight „Merkel“ within ist portfolio at the world’s largest content market MIPCOM in Cannes.  

“Merkel” is a riveting political drama about the defining moment of Angela Merkel’s chancellorship: The refugee crisis of 2015, which became Germany’s greatest upheaval since its reunification. 60 days, which led to Angela Merkel’s monumental decision to keep the borders open, a decision that will go down in history as her political legacy.  

It fell to German theater actress Imogen Kogge, 62, who bears a passing resemblance to Angela Merkel, to portray the German leader. The movie also features Josef Bierbichler and Wolfgang Prengler. It was directed by Stephan Wagner.

The movie „Merkel“ is a co-production by carte blanche International with rbb, rbb media GmbH and NDR, funded by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg. Bavaria Media International owns the world distribution rights.

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